What is template rendering?

Template Rendering

What is Template Rendering?

Template rendering is a process of generating HTML response from a template and some data. It is a popular technique used in web development to create pages with dynamic content. It allows developers to separate the application logic from the presentation layer, making it easier to develop, maintain and update the interface.

The basic concept behind template rendering is that HTML templates are stored in the server, and when a user requests a page, the server will generate the HTML content based on the template and the data provided. This makes it easier to maintain the web page as the HTML code is separated from the application logic. This also allows developers to create more complex web applications as the data can be easily accessed and manipulated.

Template rendering can be done using a variety of languages and frameworks. One of the most popular is the JavaScript library React, which is used to create user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. In React, the template is written using JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension), which is a markup language for describing the structure of the UI. When a user requests a page, the server will render the template based on the data provided, and will generate the HTML response.

Template rendering can also be done using other languages such as PHP and Python. There are several popular frameworks available for each language that can be used to render templates. For example, in PHP, the popular frameworks are Laravel and Symfony, while in Python, the popular frameworks are Django and Flask.

In addition to the language and framework used, there are several other factors that affect the template rendering process. For example, the response format can be HTML, JSON, XML, or any other format. The content type of the response can also be specified, such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, or any other type. The encoding of the response can also be specified, such as UTF-8 or other encodings.


Template rendering is a popular technique used in web development to generate HTML responses from a template and some data. It is used to separate the application logic from the presentation layer, making it easier to develop and maintain the web page. Template rendering is done using a variety of languages and frameworks, such as React, PHP, and Python. There are several factors that can affect the template rendering process, such as the response format, content type, and encoding.