Why Next.js is faster than React?

React and Next.js are two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for developing user interfaces. Both frameworks have their advantages, but when it comes to performance, Next.js may be the better choice. Here, we’ll explore why Next.js is faster than React.

What is React? React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook in 2011 and has since become one of the most popular frameworks for developing interactive web applications. React is used to create complex and dynamic user interfaces, and its component-based architecture makes it easy to reuse code.

What is Next.js? Next.js is a React-based framework designed for building server-rendered React applications. It’s an open-source project created by Zeit in 2016 and has since become one of the most popular frameworks for developing React applications. Next.js is used to create high-performance applications that are optimized for production.

Why is Next.js Faster than React? There are several reasons why Next.js is faster than React. First, Next.js is built on the React framework, so it has access to all of the same features and functionality. This means that developers don’t have to learn a new language or framework in order to use Next.js.

Next.js also offers several performance optimizations that make it faster than React. One of the most important performance optimizations is that Next.js is optimized for server-side rendering. By rendering pages on the server, Next.js can deliver content faster than React, which can only render pages on the client-side.

Next.js also offers static generation and automatic code splitting, which can significantly improve the performance of an application. Static generation pre-renders pages so that they can be served quickly, and code splitting allows developers to break down an application into smaller pieces so that only the necessary code is loaded.

Finally, Next.js offers an API called Next.js Preview, which allows developers to quickly preview changes in production before they are released. This is a great feature for debugging and testing, since it allows developers to quickly see how their changes will affect the performance of the application.

Conclusion: Next.js is a powerful React-based framework designed for building high-performance applications. It offers several performance optimizations that make it faster than React, including server-side rendering, static generation, code splitting, and Next.js Preview. For these reasons, Next.js is a great choice for developers who want to create a fast and reliable user interface.